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  Luxplongée Présentation de la plongée au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg 
  Cavezone Cave diving is not very popular in Luxembourg. However, among the Luxembourgish scuba divers there is a minority of people with great interest in diving beyond the limits of recreational diving. Those people might find in these few pages some useful information about cave diving in general. This website also offers Luxembourgish cavers the possibility to meet like-minded people in their region.
Fédération Luxembourgeoise
  www.flassa.lu Fédérations Luxembourgeoise des activités et sports sub-aquatiques
Fédération de plongée
www.cmas2000.org/ Confédération mondiale des activités subaquatiques
Ordinateurs de plongée
  www.uwatec.com Ordinateurs de plongée UWATEC
  www.suunto.fi Ordinateurs de plongée SUUNTO
